Saturday, July 30, 2011

Joseph Zbukvic

An artist is a combination of the poet and the surgeon. - Joseph Zbukvic

This Yugoslavian born, Melbourne Australia based artist whose landscapes are delicate, while still remaining loose and showing off the best of the medium. He excels at capturing a wide range of values but my favourites seem to be middle valued paintings with subtle variations. Quite delicate and sublime. I've seen to of his videos and unfortunately the demonstrations mostly fell short of the mark. His one and only book "Mastering Atmosphere and Mood" has a number of good demonstrations that while staying rather vague are still good learning opportunities. Sadly the book is long out of print and only available as a download of dubious quality and legality. (I've added to this post to make it more obvious that the works below are those of Zbukvic and not mine, my apologies if in my brevity I misled anyone. 8/28/11)


szaza said...

Hello. These are gorgeous!
The one in the middle is absolutely breathtaking.

MG said...

Just to be clear this is some of J. Zbukvic that I admire, not my own.He's very talented.

MG said..., not nearly there yet.